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Marvel’s action scenes blur together, but these intimate MCU moments are still seared into the brain

It's the small character moments that make the MCU work so well.

thor avengers endgame
via Marvel Studios

Marvel Studios often gets a lot of criticism for its action. Sure, CGI superheroes were dazzling in the 2000s, but these days we need a little more meat on the bones. Fortunately, the MCU can boast some of the most talented actors in the business and the various shows and movies deliver some moments where they can shine.

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Over on r/Marvel_Studios they’ve been discussing the most moving MCU moments to date, and a compendium of smaller-scale moments that hit hard has materialized as a result.

Top of the pile is the moment in Avengers: Endgame where Thor travels back in time and accidentally crosses paths with his mother Frigga. He knows she’ll die soon and she immediately recognizes that this isn’t “her” Thor, though her comment “The future hasn’t been kind to you, has it?” hits with home anyone that’s lost a parent and wishes they could have just one more conversation.

Another minor yet impactful small moment comes in Hawkeye. Much of the show sees the aging Avenger dealing with the physical consequences of a life of jumping off buildings and being right next to explosions, and he now needs a hearing aid. When he loses this and tries to talk with his son on the phone he can’t hear him, until Kate Bishop writes down what’s being said. As one user says:

“There’s so much vulnerability and emotion in that scene, it’s absolutely gut wrenching. Also the scene that made me really like Kate. I already liked her to an extent, but what she did there for Clint really made me respect her character.”

A smattering of other picks makes us want to rewatch some movies. Thor and Rocket’s chat en route to Nidavellir in Endgame, Vision and Ultron’s debate at the end of Age of Ultron, and Steve Rogers and Dr Erskine’s chat the night before the Super Soldier experiment takes place.

We’re also happy someone chose one of our favorite MCU scenes in Spider-Man: Homecoming. Prom is stressful enough at the best of times, but realizing your date’s father is a supervillain out to murder you? That’s going to put a damper on proceedings.