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‘This. Absolutely this’: ‘Suicide Squad’ director refuses to forgive the guiltiest of guilty pleasure movies for its most egregious sin

It still completely and utterly rules, though.

reign of fire
Image via Buena Vista

Look, there’s no point in even trying to pretend that 2002’s fantasy blockbuster Reign of Fire is a good movie, because it isn’t. And yet, there’s also a compelling argument to be made that it absolutely f*cking rules at the same time, which a lot of people are inclined to believe that it does.

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It sounds like a fever dream to realize that Academy Award winners Christian Bale and Matthew McConaughey co-starred with action extraordinaire Gerard Butler in a $60 million epic that finds a ragtag group of human survivors trying to live in a world where dragons have returned and razed the planet to the ground, but it does, and the world is much better off for it.

reign of fire
via Buena Vista

A majestic dose of cheese capable of killing the lactose intolerant, Reign of Fire was largely lambasted by critics and sank without a trace at the box office, but any story that sees McConaughey devour so much scenery that it’s borderline dangerous to his health is destined to find a second life as a cult classic and guilty pleasure, which is also a feat the film accomplished with ease.

And yet, Suicide Squad director David Ayer revealed himself to be a man of the people after echoing the opinion that despite its many demented highlights, one fatal flaw in the marketing remains a sin for which Reign of Fire can’t be forgiven.

A franchise would have been nice, and a remake or reboot might be welcomed under the right circumstances, but at the very least we want dragons vs. helicopters or no dice.