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James Gunn doesn’t find enough superhero movies interesting, but fortunately he’s in a position to change it

Gunn's future plans.

guardians of the galaxy vol 3
Image via Marvel Studios

Thanks to the popular and highly celebrated Guardian of the Galaxy Vol. 4, filmmaker James Gunn is stung with a fresh bite of confidence as he aims to bring the same level of energy and creativity to the DCU.

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The director who – was initially barred from directing his last Marvel project for mocking serious issues like pedophilia and rape – had his position reinstated, allowing opportunities for media and MCU fans to celebrate his future ambitions, as well as his perception and opinions on superhero movies in general.

In a recent interview with El Pais, Gunn opened up about his creative skills, his plans for DC, and as his obsession with superhero films, which he deems nothing less than art. “I was finding my way. But I always knew that I was an artist”, is what he told the publication

There is the possibility of him bringing some of his trademark qualities to his new installments – like absurd humor, and visually stunning sequence – which we have already been familiarized with through his past oeuvres like Guardian of the Galaxy Vol. 3, The Suicide Squad, and countless others.

In addition to the creative techniques that assured his former successes, Gunn’s statements dragged attention to two other areas where the director is ready to work. One of which includes Gunn’s self-proclaimed experience and talent in delivering the best output with a limited budget, In his own statement, he mentioned

“The budget can be a trap because people can rely on it too much. But the budget won’t make a good movie. Sometimes having restrictions placed upon you can really help you, even when you make movies like this. I would say 90% of the time I’ve had restrictions placed on me, it’s made the movie better, not worse, because somehow I’m able to make things more streamlined, you really you cut out the things you don’t need and you keep the stuff that you do.”

However, he did make a point of noting that he hasn’t found every comic book adaptation to be as interesting as he liked, although he did single a couple out for particular praise.

Infinity War and Endgame were totally unique. The first Shazam! movie was high concept comedy. So I think that there’s been really interesting films. I wish there were more, but yeah.”

With such promising ambitions, fans are surely interested to know what the future has in store.