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A bizarre TikTok promo sparks a heated debate on the unspoken trauma of school shootings

This is one thing that shouldn't be normalized.

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Image via TikTok

They say that if you close your eyes and really try to concentrate, you may begin to see the lines of binary code running this Matrix we’re living in. Because how else would you be able to explain all the absurdities we have to deal with today? In this latest episode of ludicrously bizarre things that can only happen on the internet, an influencer is using school shootings to promote a beauty product.

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Yes, you read that correctly. A viral TikTok video is spawning a heated debate for making light, inadvertently or not, of a problem that doesn’t get nearly as enough attention as it deserves.

Just as I couldn’t believe what my ears were hearing the first time I watched this, a lot of people are having trouble taking this seriously. On the one hand, it is utterly absurd, but on the other, this is no joking matter, so this video is doomed either way.

To think that we’ve come to a place where even past trauma is capitalism fuel is disturbing.

You could find a lot of dystopic things about our society, but this was just on a whole other level.

Barring the obvious implications — and those that aren’t so obvious but we’d rather not think about for the time being — this is also raising another debate about the understated trauma of school shootings and what has been done to help its survivors cope.

In 2023 alone, there have been more than 25 instances of gun violence on school grounds, and every week seems to bring with itself the grim possibility of another tragic incident. Not to get all preachy here, but perhaps we could muster the courage to talk about this more often — and in a serious context that underscores the true gravity of the situation — lest we indirectly enable such insensitive balderdash as the promo above to flourish in an environment where no meaningful debate takes place.