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Sequel trilogy trolls shocked to discover people are genuinely excited for Rey’s ‘Star Wars’ comeback movie

It's almost like the problem was the writing not the character.

Daisy Ridley as Rey in Star Wars
Image via Lucasfilm/Disney

Despite the mass backlash against the sequel Star Wars trilogy there is a new hope with the return of Rey in a new series of standalone films. Whilst some fans are completely against the idea of her return, it seems that most are more than happy to roll with it.

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Let’s face it; there was plenty wrong with the sequel trilogy, but Daisy Ridley was not one of those issues. If anything her, John Boyega, and Adam Driver were the heart and soul of the films. Despite this there are some who have their doubts regarding Rey’s return, with some under the impression that the new movies will feature the same problems as the previous ones.

That being said, fans are still excited to see Rey’s comeback to the surprise of the sequel trolls. Even more shocking than that, there are even fans who enjoyed the sequel trilogy, almost like everyone has their own likes and dislikes or something.

by u/just4browse from discussion So is anyone actually excited about this new Rey movie?
in StarWars

The planned story for the new installments coupled with the fact that Disney seems to have hopefully learned from its mistakes means that the new films could be a lot better. The idea of seeing a new Jedi Order is more than rough to sway the skeptical fans who may have second thoughts.

by u/lanwopc from discussion So is anyone actually excited about this new Rey movie?
in StarWars

Others saw it as an opportunity to build upon and improve Rey’s character from the sequels. After all; just because the last three films weren’t so great doesn’t mean the next one can’t fix everything.

by u/cheapbeers from discussion So is anyone actually excited about this new Rey movie?
in StarWars

Whatever your thoughts are on the sequel trilogy; most would admit that to go back into the Star Wars universe and continue the story rather than focus on the past is an exciting development for the franchise. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea but it’s safe to say most fans are hyped.