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Latest Horror News: ‘Evil Dead Rise’ corrects a growing genre error as Joaquin Phoenix dismisses consuming shrooms during ‘Beau Is Afraid’

The horror coaster is a ride we never wanna get off.

Joaquin Phoenix in 'Beau is Afraid'
Image via A24

At long last, Friday is finally upon us, vampire nerds (we’re looking at you, Twilight series enthusiasts)! To get you deliciously excited for the weekend, the spooky catalog has pumped out an endless assortment of content which, quite frankly, has us all on the edge of our seats. From Evil Dead Rise catapulting the genre to greater heights as Joaquin Phoenix warns moviegoers against watching Beau Is Afraid on shrooms, there’s an abundance of blood-splattered content set to be explored in today’s daily horror roundup right here at We Got This Covered.

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So, before you carefully prepare your body to endure the scariest of nightmares this evening, be sure to sink your teeth into the latest updates in the horror realm.

Joaquin Phoenix warns against taking shrooms before viewing Beau Is Afraid

Image via A24

As bizarre as Joaquin can get at times, the acclaimed actor has outspokenly warned moviegoers against the idea of consuming mushrooms before watching Beau Is Afraid. The latest horror experience comes from the twisted mind of Ari Aster, and Phoenix has vowed that the film’s warped moments and complicated premise are best to be viewed without the use of psychedelic drugs. Then again, Midsommar all on its own felt like a complete acid trip — so maybe the drugs won’t make a difference at all.

Evil Dead Rise is here to remind us about the importance of gore in horror

Is 'Evil Dead Rise' a sequel?
Image via Warner Bros.

Over the last several years, the spooky genre has become notably lax when it comes to fully utilizing the effects of gore. Of course, there have been a few gems like Terrifier sprinkled in the mix, but Evil Dead Rise is here to introduce an entirely new generation to a whirlwind of jaw-dropping gore and visual effects which resulted in a parade of sleepless nights. That being said, it’s for that very reason that Lee Cronin’s supernatural experience has quickly etched itself as a delight amongst die-hards. Keep the gore coming!

Speaking of Lee Cronin, he’s apparently got another horror franchise on his mind

Freddy Krueger in A Nightmare on Elm Street
Image via New Line Cinema

The gifted Evil Dead Rise director is set to receive a plethora of good news and praise as the horror extravaganza settles into theaters this weekend. However, it’s become apparent that Cronin has steered his eyes to focus on another longstanding horror classic — and that would be A Nightmare on Elm Street. Truth be told, the franchise is desperately in need of a crucial reboot that will do the classic series justice, and Cronin seems like the perfect fit to make the magic happen.

Jump back in on Monday, shroomers, for a fresh-faced horror roundup.