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‘Suicide Squad’ director responds to trolls claiming concept art doesn’t count

Will Ayer's director's cut ever see the light of day?

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via Warner Bros.

David Ayer’s cut of Suicide Squad remains locked away unseen by the masses. His version of the movie differs dramatically from the theatrical edition, expands the Joker’s presence, and includes several key pieces of character development for Squad members, as well as reportedly being a far more grisly and mature affair than what we got.

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With no official release mooted, Ayer has been busy teasing fans with what they’re missing on social media. The @CutAyer campaign group recently posted a piece of concept art showing off a brutal Joker scene of him executing a truck driver, though naysayers stepped him to pour scorn on the idea this ever made it before the cameras:

Ayer himself stepped in to mercilessly squash this troll, saying that while the exact image in the concept art wasn’t used, the core of the scene was indeed shot:

We still hold out hope that one day we’ll see Ayer’s cut of Suicide Squad. Unfortunately, we also doubt whether it’ll be anytime soon. The new DCU regime under James Gunn is eager to move forward into new territory rather than dwell on the past, meaning the final nails have been firmly driven into the SnyderVerse coffin.

Even so, stranger things have happened. It’s worth remembering that Richard Donner’s director’s cut of 1980’s Superman II went unreleased for 26 years before finally emerging on DVD. Fingers crossed we don’t have to wait that long to see Ayer’s Suicide Squad, but one way or another we think it’ll eventually turn up online or as a streaming feature.

Let’s keep those Suicide Squad candles burning, and hope Ayer get’s his equivalent of Zack Snyder’s Justice League.