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Marjorie Taylor Greene urged to ‘sit down’ after saying we should ‘focus on the real enemies causing these extremely serious problems’

She definitely has a way of putting her foot right in her mouth.

Marjorie Taylor Greene - Getty
Photo by Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images

If it’s one thing about Marjorie Taylor Greene, she knows how to get all sides raging against her any time she says something. In today’s episode of “What Did MTG Say This Time,” she wants the Trump versus DeSantis bickering to stop, and is politely told to take a seat.

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MGT’s support of Donald Trump is well documented in speeches, tweets, and video footage that she spews out on a daily basis. She has literally called for a “National Divorce,” which would divide the country between red and blue. Plus, she has come really close to sounding like she wants a civil war to happen again in America. Those are just some of the headlines she makes, and even politicians on her own side of the aisle have asked her to stop and reflect before she opens her mouth again.

Is she really the right person to call for a truce in the division that political bickering causes? She hasn’t really led by example.

In the nicest way possible, she is reminded of how campaigns work.

As far as the content of her message is concerned, she asked if she really believes that there is a side that is pro-pedophilia.

More importantly, it’s pointed out to her that she herself takes place in divisive attacking that does no one any good. Of course, Laura Loomer is far further right than her, and the competition might be making her jealous.

If she doesn’t want to look bad, maybe she should take a look in the mirror and do some good old self-reflecting.

As the saying goes, if the shoe fits wear it. She would do a lot of good by following her own advice and not trying to be an outrageous headline every day.

It would be nice if there was far less political bickering and more concern about the real problems facing the U.S. It’s just that MTG is not really the right person to be delivering that message until she puts down the microphone first.