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Marjorie Taylor Greene blames Joe Biden for ‘massive corruption,’ gets advised to indulge in quiet introspection for once

Greene is what we would call a creature of habit.

Marjorie Taylor Greene - Getty
Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images

Ardent supporters of Donald Trump have never really entertained the necessity of curbing their urge to throw stones at other people’s houses when they themselves reside in ones made of glass. The best example would be Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene who is ready to jump at every chance to highlight the hypocrisy, only to be reminded, time and again, that taking some time off to look within and actually basing her airy claims on solid evidence would afford her some much-needed credibility. 

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MTG has been raving for a long time about all the evidence of corruption the Republicans have unearthed against President Joe Biden. Fresh off her rally during Trump’s court hearing where he was charged with 34 felony counts of business fraud, Greene once again touched upon her third favorite topic — because anti-LGBTQ+ rants aimed at whiskey brands and bullying Stormy Daniels take the first two positions in her list — and claimed that Republicans are discovering evidence of “massive corruption” against Biden “everyday.”

This is not the first time Greene has boasted about the towering hill of proof that she says is enough to hold Biden liable for corruption. But the fact that she has never solidified her claims with the said evidence has not escaped everyone’s attention. 


Some didn’t waste a second to point out as Greene’s beloved presidential candidate just went through a court trial based on solid evidence, her pointing fingers against Biden based on no legible proof in sight doesn’t look good. 

One hit where it would hurt her the hardest – the politician’s (non-existent) intellectual skills.

While most have given up on pointing out the glaring grammatical errors in the politician’s posts, there is always someone who is freshly scandalized by them.

But seeing that making baseless claims and creating issues when there are none is more of MTG’s style, we are not expecting the United States Representative to stop crafting non-sensical claims for her tweets, even for a second, to actually evaluate the truth about herself and the people she supports.