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‘Jesse Eisenberg was a good Lex Luthor’ and other unpopular opinions to incense the DCU faithful

People did not hold back with their DCtakes.

Image via Warner Bros.

Before the first chapter of James Gunn‘s and Peter Safran‘s DCU reboot begins in 2025, now is the perfect time to talk about DC’s Snyderverse. More specifically — share what you liked about the franchise that might ruffle some feathers from other outspoken people in the fandom. And when this opportunity opened up on social media, people did not hold back and shared some “controversial takes.”

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Reddit user u/nightwing2009 started the conversation on r/DC_Cinematic, where they asked the community their hot takes on the current DCU. And the opinions posted varied between the franchise’s cast members, plot, and how DC brands itself to compete with Marvel. And as mentioned before, no one held back since this was their only chance to share how they really felt without backlash or downvotes.

Some of the comments that were shared involved how the “E” was “unnecessary in the DCEU,” considering that it was the fans that added the “E”, not DC and Warner Bros, and the company had to clarify that last year. Another was about the plot of the first Wonder Woman film and how the Amazonians shouldn’t kill the Gods and that the film had a huge missed opportunity to give Diana a life lesson that mankind could be evil as the Gods themselves.

Some also shared their thoughts on Suicide Squad. There was some debate about Jared Leto‘s Joker since some thought he was a good actor while others didn’t like the villain’s appearance and execution. One also believed that Leto’s debut as the DC villain came at the right time since everyone was still in love with Heath Ledger’s portrayal of the villain. In the end, the conversation was civilized and filled with mixed emotions.

But the biggest take that was shared on the subreddit was from Reddit user u/bateen618, who claimed that “Jesse Eisenberg was a good Lex Luthor.”

byu/nightwing2009 from discussion

Fortunately, this take was met with support since one believed that this version of Luthor represents the “Silicon Valley” boss and that he fits in today’s era. Meanwhile, the post re-sparked the debate on “what makes Lex Luthor the iconic villain that he is.” One believed that none of Luthor’s core elements made it to Eisenberg’s portrayal, while some thought otherwise. One thought that Eisenberg was a wasted talent in the film since his mannerisms were different from what’s seen in the comics and other portrayals of the character.

While it’s going to take some time until the reboot of the DCU begins, there is enough DC content out there for fans to talk about and perhaps Gunn and Safran should take some notes since there are some things that fans criticized about the old regime that they might want to consider, especially when chapter one is called “Gods and Monsters.”