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DCU doomsayers dare to ask what James Gunn would do next if ‘Superman: Legacy’ bombed

Prepping for the worst case is sadly the norm for DC fans these days.

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via Warner Bros.

It’s not even begun filming yet, and already fans are already preparing for the worst by asking what will happen to the DCU if Superman: Legacy flops.

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DC fans have become accustomed to disappointment, it seems. With all the misfires and backtracking that have plagued the first decade of the studio’s films and with the negativity surrounding James Gunn’s direction, it’s no surprise that fans automatically jump to the worst-case scenario. It seems that DC Studios have banked their whole future on Superman. 

One fan took to Reddit to ask what would happen when/if the film bombs, showing just how much confidence fans seem to have in Gunn as DC Studios’ head. Whilst Gunn has a pretty solid rap sheet for quality titles, it’s not an impossibility, so what would happen if the film were to bomb hard commercially and critically?

henry cavill batman v superman dawn of justice
via Warner Bros.

DC fans might lose their minds, for a start. But more than that, it would likely be catastrophic for DC as fans have been burnt so many times by underbaked productions that there might be no coming back. Some users responded to the post with a list of possibilities for how Gunn and the studio may approach the situation.

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Other fans had decidedly more insane but hilarious takes on what would happen.

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Whilst we have faith in Gunn’s vision for the DCU, the question needs to be considered. There’s no doubt already a plan very similar to the replies in place at DC Studios. After all the controversy surrounding DC, it seems unlikely the suits will leave anything to chance.

Of course, the next Superman project has yet to even get off the ground. There’s no reason to think the film will flop, so perhaps we’d best wait at least until we see the trailer before we start with the apocalyptic predictions.