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‘Fast X’ director teases Brie Larson being the light to Vin Diesel’s darkness

She's an 'angel,' director Louis Leterrier said.

Vin Diesel and Brie Larson in Fast X
Image via Universal Pictures

It wouldn’t be Friday here without some news about everyone’s favorite croc-wearing, axe-throwing ballerina Brie Larson. According to the director of the upcoming Fast X, Larson’s energy is the perfect antidote to Vin Diesel’s brooding disposition in the movie.

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Director Louis Leterrier recently broke down the latest trailer for the movie with Total Film, and he elaborated on Brie’s role in the film. We get a whole bunch of Larson in the trailer, but we don’t know too much about who she is yet beyond the fact that her name is Tess and she kicks serious butt.

Our guess would be she’s a law enforcement agent of some sort trying to bring down Jason Momoa’s character (he plays bad guy Dante).

Also worth mentioning is that the trailer dropped six hours ago (as of this writing) and already has 3 million views.

Ok, back to Leterrier and Larson. While he didn’t exactly give away her role, he did talk about why she’s there and what her purpose will be in the film.

“Dom, in this time of chaos and uncertainty, needs a light at the end of the tunnel. He needs a guardian angel to guide him towards the light. There’s a reason why Dante is called Dante. He’s going to drag Dom down to Hell, and he’ll drag everyone with him. [Tess is] the light. She’s connected to the franchise in a very strong way. But she also brings so much life, and something that we’ve never experienced before in this franchise.”

That somehow says so much and also so little, but we can definitely infer she’s not a bad guy in the movie. The director then talked about the role of women in the movie and how they affect Diesel’s character Dom.

“Also, just like many times before, Dom is guided by the women in his life. He’s very much guided by his family, his friends, his brother, everything. But Letty, Rita Morena as his abuelita, his grandmother, they are the guiding forces of his life. They’re the salt of the earth. He will need their helping hand. And Tess is that helping hand.”

One more cool little anecdote – that metal ball in the trailer is actually a practical effect.

“It’s practical! A practical metal ball in real Rome. 100%. It’s a one-tonne, metal ball, rolling through the real streets of Rome, with real fire,” Leterrier said. Neat!

Fast X screeches into theaters on May 19.