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James Gunn teases a DCU series so insanely bizarre it needs to happen as soon as possible

It doesn't make a lick of sense, but we need it right now.

the suicide squad
via Warner Bros.

You don’t have to play Six Degrees of Separation – or Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, for that matter – to figure out an easy way for James Gunn to bring one of his most frequent and trusted collaborators into the DCU.

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The filmmaker came right ahead and admitted he’s planning to find room for all of his Marvel Cinematic Universe cohorts once Chapter 1 – Gods & Monsters begins to take shape, and it just so happens that one of the sole survivors to emerge from the smoldering rubble of The Suicide Squad alive was Weasel.

The hirsute terror was of course played by Gunn’s brother and motion capture performer extraordinaire Sean, so it’s more than likely we’ll be seeing Weasel rise from the ashes and make a splash in one of the franchise’s stranger corners. Not only that, but the Peacemaker creator has endorsed the most outlandishly bizarre way to make it happen.

Does Weasel holding a talk show make a solitary lick of sense in any way, shape, or form? No, it does not. Does that mean we wouldn’t be first in line to see it, based on the sheer curiosity factor alone? Also no. There’s plenty of scope to balance heavy hitters like Batman, Superman, Aquaman, and Green Lantern alongside some deeper cuts, and it’s definitely going to happen with Gunn at the helm.

The talk show format is ripe for parody and laced with untapped comedic potential, so what better way to mine it for laughs then by having a deranged and feral former member of Task Force X host one of his own?