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The solitary horror scene that scarred an entire generation for life marks 20 years of traumatizing

If you know, you know.

via New Line Cinema

There are certain scenes in horror movie history that stick with you from the moment you witness them for the first time, and no matter how hard you try and forget, it’ll remain burned into your consciousness forever. For an entire generation, the only thing somebody has to do is mention Final Destination 2, and everyone knows exactly what scene they’re talking about.

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It wouldn’t be an understatement at all to say that people still get a tinge of fear or a chill down their spine when they see a logging truck on the road, given that David R. Ellis’ fan favorite sequel opens with a horrific scene of carnage, death, destruction, blood, guts, and bodies that remains as vivid and anxiety-inducing now as it did when the film first released a full 20 years ago.

via New Line Cinema

Of course, it might come as a shock to many upon realizing that two full decades have passed since the specter of death descended on an unsuspecting highway to wreak untold devastation, but the encouraging news is that a Reddit thread has made it clearer than ever before that the original crowd of cinemagoers who caught Final Destination 2 on the big screen are as traumatized as ever.

Even though the franchise spans five installments so far – with a sixth on the way from the mind of Spider-Man: No Way Home director Jon Watts – it wouldn’t be hyperbolic to state that no scene in the saga’s entire history sticks in the mind clearer than the opening of the second chapter. Maybe it’s a generational thing, but anyone who saw Final Destination 2 the first time around is lying to themselves if a logging truck doesn’t cause at least one heart palpitation to this day.