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The King Joins Twitter

Mashable is reporting today that The King himself, LeBron James has joined Twitter. It seems as if everyone has a Twitter account these days, even we have one (are you following us?). LeBron's twitter account is @KingJames, a fitting name to say the least.

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Mashable is reporting today that The King himself, LeBron James has joined Twitter. It seems as if everyone has a Twitter account these days, even we have one (are you following us?). LeBron’s twitter account is @KingJames, a fitting name to say the least.

The account has yet to receive the official Twitter verification that it actually is LeBron but fellow NBA superstar Chris Paul says it really is him, as does CNBC sports business reporter Darren Rovell. With James getting ready to announce where he will play his next season of basketball it has to make you wonder, will James announce it via Twitter?

At the time of this article James had not made a single Tweet yet but already has close to 50,000 followers.