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Charlie Sheen Is The President Of The United States

That's right, Robert Rodriguez has cast the Charlie Sheen as the 'leader of the free world' in his Machete sequel Machete Kills. Rodriguez took to Twitter yesterday to announce this 'excellent' news to all of his followers. He seems to assembling a proper washed up cast, with Mel Gibson also having a major role as the film's villain. Problem is, I can't see Rodriguez reviving their careers in the same way his colleague and friend Quentin Tarantino did with the likes of John Travolta, Robert Forster and David Carradine, but you never know.

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Charlie Sheen, everyone’s favourite dysfunctional, alcoholic smack head, is planning to follow in his Daddy’s footsteps and has been cast as POTUS, only in a product, which one can say with quite some confidence, that won’t be as high brow as The West Wing.

That’s right, Robert Rodriguez has cast the wild card actor/comedian as the ‘leader of the free world’ in his Machete sequel, Machete Kills. Rodriguez took to Twitter yesterday to announce this ‘excellent’ news to all of his followers.

He seems to assembling a proper washed up cast, with Mel Gibson also having a major role as the film’s villain. Problem is, I can’t see Rodriguez reviving their careers in the same way his colleague and friend Quentin Tarantino did with the likes of John Travolta, Robert Forster and David Carradine, but you never know.

The director has also been posting images to his Twitter since shooting began on June 11th. Some images also come from Jessica Alba‘s Twitter which show a wind swept, dust bowl kind of setting. All par for the course I imagine.

I can’t honestly get excited about Machete Kills as I didn’t particularly care for the first film. Honestly, I’m tired of this rediscovery of Grindhouse cinema as it just seems to be an excuse to make bad movies and not try very hard.

Personally, I can’t wait for Rodriguez to get this out of the way so we can get our hands on the Sin City sequel. Sin City remains Rodriguez’s crowning work, a brilliant piece of genre filmmaking that does find a way to do exploitation/Grindhouse without making it look cheap. It also had great characters which I would happily watch again for another 2 hours.

With Machete Kills, on the other hand, I can’t say I’m exactly excited to see even 90 seconds of Charlie Sheen playing the President of the United States.

Machete Kills will be released next year. Check out the images below.

Source: The Film Stage