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Watch Kanye West storm out of Tim Pool’s podcast when he’s ever-so-slightly questioned about his antisemitism

Missing from the "awful men" podcast was Emperor Palpatine and Sauron.

Watch Kanye West storm out of Tim Pool's podcast when he's ever-so-slightly questioned about his antisemitism
Image: Poolcast

The entire internet rogues gallery seemed to be in the same room together until a very particular moment on Tim Pool’s podcast, with detestable guests Kanye West, Milo Yiannopoulos, and Nick Fuentes. Yes, the worst people in the world are friends.

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Pool’s podcast saw the four horsemen of bad takes combine, with apparent “centrist” Pool playing host to a neo-Nazi, an antisemite, and a pedophile defender. All seemed to be going swimmingly with them getting on like old people in a Facebook comments section.

Suddenly, upon realizing he often alleges to be a journalist, Pool actually challenges his guests instead of sucking up to them.

Pool pushed ever-so-slightly on West and Fuentes for their unhinged viewpoints on Jewish people, before Ye seemed to have had enough of the situation and promptly walked out. If you ever needed proof these people aren’t capable of having their ideas challenged, here it is.

West started his appearance on the podcast by saying he’s falsely been labeled antisemitic for saying antisemitic things. Go figure. Ye stands by comments about how there are apparently disproportionate amounts of Jewish people in banks and Hollywood. In other words, the very same rhetoric used to cause unfathomable harm to millions of people for years.

The charlatan that is Fuentes repeatedly avoids being actually challenged, and curiously, Pool decided someone who praised the Taliban was also a perfect guest. Of course, once he is lightly challenged, he has no actual response.

Most depressing of all of this really is somebody who claims to be a centrist consistently platforms antisemitism and far-right conspiracy theorists and only challenges them once every now and then. Sigh.

To double down, Fuentes has consistently espoused holocaust denial, was a speaker at the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection, and advocates for authoritarian government. West leaving the podcast also gives everyone a solid idea of how he’d handle presidential debates if he, and Fuentes, are serious about running.

According to the Anti-Defamation League, antisemitic incidents reached an “all-time high” in 2021, and 2022 is on a similar track. This includes assault, harassment, and vandalism. For more information on the dangers of antisemitic rhetoric and what you can do to stop it, see the American Jewish Committee’s Call to Action Against Antisemitism in America.