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Universal Moving Ahead With Snow White And The Huntsman Sequel

Despite mixed reviews, Universal is moving ahead with a sequel to Snow White and The Huntsman, according to Deadline. Closing in on the $120 million mark, it's easy to see why the studio is eager to get moving on this one and they are “making all the moves that indicate another chapter is in the offing, and on a fast track.”

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Despite mixed reviews, Universal is moving ahead with a sequel to Snow White and The Huntsman, according to Deadline. Closing in on the $120 million mark, it’s easy to see why the studio is eager to get moving on this one and they are  “making all the moves that indicate another chapter is in the offing, and on a fast track.”

Rupert Sanders is in negotiations to return and direct and the main cast, including Kristen Stewart, Chris Hemsworth and Charlize Theron, have all been optioned for a trilogy.

David Koepp (Spider-Man) is set to script the sequel and hopefully he can capitalize on the errors of the first film. Admittedly, I did somewhat enjoy Snow White and the Huntsman, but it had some issues.

The visuals were slick and impressive but on a story/plot level, it needed a lot of work. Aside from that though, performances were solid, Sanders shows some promise and I thought it was fairly entertaining.

It’s by no means a great film, and it probably doesn’t need a sequel but that being said, I wouldn’t be opposed to seeing one.

What about you? Would you see a sequel to Snow White and the Huntsman?