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Dwayne Johnson answers ‘The greatest question’ he’s ever been asked regarding ‘Black Adam’

"I AM Black Adam"

black adam
via Warner Bros.

The countdown to Black Adam is entering its final days with the long-awaited addition to the DC Extended Universe landing in theaters nationwide this Friday. The cast sat down with Twitter Movies to answer some questions about the movie that star Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has called the beginning of a “new era” for the DCEU, and the man himself quickly got down to brass tacks, answering a fan quest he said was “the greatest question” he’s been asked about the mystically powered antihero of the film.

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User rand #SAVEIRONFIST aka @randsiron (who obviously has strong opinions regarding a hero in the OTHER Cinematic Universe) posed the ultimate question to Johnson. Namely, does the Champion of Kahndaq prefer waffles or pancakes in the morning?

After a few seconds of dramatic pause, Johnson fessed up. “I would say that Black Adam loves … pancakes. Loves waffles,” he added, diplomatically but, “prefers pancakes.” But The Rock didn’t stop there. He let the fans know the deep-cut info. “With peanut butter on top. And syrup. And a shot of Tequila on the side,” he added, authoritatively.

And if this sounds a wee bit like something Johnson might consume himself during one of his world famously epic cheat meals? That isn’t a coincidence. “You’re probably thinking ‘Well, that sounds a lot like you, DJ,'” The Rock admitted. “Well, it f***ing is. And I AM Black Adam and I know what he likes,” the superstar declared.

The Rock knows what’s cooking. And it doesn’t require a special “Iron” to make it.

Black Adam opens in theaters this Friday, Oct. 21.