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Iron Patriot Will Appear In Iron Man 3

And the Iron Man 3 news continues to roll in. After hearing that Ben Kingsley will be playing The Mandarin, we now know that James Badge Dale, who signed on not too long ago, will be donning the Iron Patriot armour in the film.

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And the Iron Man 3 news continues to roll in. After hearing that Ben Kingsley will be playing The Mandarin, we now know that James Badge Dale, who signed on not too long ago, will be donning the Iron Patriot armour in the film.

Dale is currently set to play Eric Savin and according to Super Hero Hype, he’ll be the one wearing the Iron Patriot armour. For those unfamiliar with the armour, it’s a “red, white and blue tinged suit that first appeared in 2009’s Dark Avengers.” Back then though it was Norman Osborne, from the Spider-Man series, who wore the suit.

Of course, seeing as Sony owns the rights to the character of Norman Osborne, he can’t appear in the film. But, since Iron Patriot debuted in an Avengers comic, he’s legally allowed to show up in Iron Man 3. It just can’t be Osborne under the suit, it needs to be someone else. That’s my understanding of it at least.

How the armour will play into the film isn’t known just yet but we’ll keep you posted when we hear more.

Check out some set photos of Iron Patriot at The Superficial.