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DC fans are feeling zacktivated now that the Snyder Cut of ‘Justice League’ is available on digital

'Zack Snyder's Justice League' is now available on digital, fans who definitely aren't bots want you to know.

zack snyder justice league
Photo via Warner Bros.

Fans of Zack Snyder’s Justice League are here to celebrate the fact that the 2021 behemoth of a superhero epic is now available on digital.

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“The masterpiece is out, buy it NOW and SPREAD THE WORD!” one Twitter user wrote.

Unsurprisingly, the film releasing on yet another platform has reinvigorated some fans to “#RestoreTheSnyderVerse,” which at this point is probably less likely to happen than the Loch Ness Monster being finally officially verified, but you never know. Even if the now-Warner Bros. Discovery could convince Snyder to return, many of the original actors from the Justice League film seem either unlikely to return due to having moved on from the franchise or have found themselves in hot water for one controversy or another, such as The Flash actor Ezra Miller being embattled in numerous legal troubles as of late.


Another fan poked fun at the fact that a recent article claimed at least 13 percent of Twitter users who were using the hashtag #RestoreTheSnyderCut were bots in the campaign leading up to HBO Max’s eventual 2021 release of the re-edited film.

“This bot (🤣) is glad that he’s finally got BOTH physical and digital copies of #ZSJL!” the user wrote, though we’re still waiting on his Turing test results to make a determination ourselves.

The recent bad press surrounding the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut campaign and the then-WarnerMedia executives who appeared to be firmly placed on Snyder’s sh*t list, according to the article, was referenced by another fan who advocated for everyone to “block out the noise” and “buy the movie we ‘bots’ fought for.”

Another fan pointed out how Vudu now has a bundle where you can buy Man of Steel, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and Zack Snyder’s Justice League in one package.

According to the Rolling Stone article making the initial claim about the Twitter bots bolstering the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut campaign, Snyder pleaded with executives to have the producers Geoff Johns and Jon Berg removed from the credits of Zack Snyder’s Justice League. When the executives didn’t budge, Snyder later allegedly threatened them by claiming he would “destroy them on social media,” so says the article. Clearly, Snyder fans — those that aren’t bots, that is — are staying loyal to the director, despite the somewhat unfavorable portrait the article painted of him.

You can check out Zack Snyder’s Justice League on digital now or streaming on HBO Max.