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LittleBigPlanet Vita Receives Colorful, Fun-Filled Box Art

After conquering the PlayStation 3 with two games and the PlayStation Portable with one, the acclaimed LittleBigPlanet franchise is headed to Sony's latest handheld gaming system, the PlayStation Vita. Details on the new game have been rather scarce so far, but today, we have two cool pieces to share with you, courtesy of Joystiq.

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After conquering the PlayStation 3 with two games and the PlayStation Portable with one, the acclaimed LittleBigPlanet franchise is headed to Sony‘s latest handheld gaming system, the PlayStation Vita. Details on the new game have been rather scarce so far, but today, we have two cool pieces to share with you, courtesy of Joystiq.

The first is the game’s official North American box art, which, in true Sackboy fashion, is colorful and cheery. The second is a cool behind-the-scenes video that offers fans gameplay footage and insight into the title’s development process.


LittleBigPlanet Vita does not have a set release, but is scheduled to arrive later this year.