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Ms. Marvel episode 6 exclusive sneak peek: ‘I Am the Light Girl’

The big Khan family reveal!

Kamala Khan

Warning: Spoilers for Ms. Marvel to follow.

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We’re less than 12 hours away before the conclusion of Ms. Marvel graces our Disney Plus queues. With the Clandestines seemingly thwarted and the Department of Damage Control primed to step up as this episode’s antagonist, we’ve seen Kamala overcome quite a bit in her time since she acquired the bangle.

But that’s not the only obstacle still standing in Kamala’s way; first, she’ll have to find a way to break the news of her newfound plight as a superhero to the rest of her family, now that she’s revealed her secret to her mother.

Thankfully, according to this exclusive sneak peek on Rotten Tomatoes, it doesn’t seem like that will be the most obtuse item on Kamala’s to-do list.

As Kamala gathers her family, consisting of her mother, father, brother, and sister-in-law, Kamala takes a moment to gain her composure before revealing herself as Night Light, the moniker placed on her persona by the general public. The admission is quickly received with surprise of thinly-veiled dishonesty, causing Kamala to piece together that this isn’t new information for the rest of her family. Indeed, her mother couldn’t keep the news from the rest of the Khans.

The sneak peek is the perfect precursor to the show’s finale, fixating as it does on Kamala’s tender and ultimately tight-knit family dynamics, which some might say are responsible for the show being as well-received as it has been. And it’s all wrapped up in that specific brand of awkward MCU humor that we’ve come to love over the years.

So, with that confession out of the way, it’s time to make sure Bruno and Kamran don’t get disintegrated.

The final episode of Ms. Marvel premieres on July 13 on Disney Plus.