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‘Harry Potter’ fans point out a missed opportunity for the Dark Lord

Voldemort could have been even more terrifying.

Photo courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures.

Voldemort was the most feared wizard in the Harry Potter franchise, but fans today have shared one way in which the Dark Lord could have been even more terrifying.

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When you’re as powerful and evil as Voldemort, the only avenue left to strike fear is in how you look, and while the character does have a distinct appearance fans, wish that they would have kept his look during the rebirth sequence instead of letting him flesh things out to become more human-like.

During Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, while the Dark Lord was entering his human form once again, his face looked completely drained out and sucked of life. This skeletal look is how many fans wish Voldemort would have stayed for the rest of his tenure.

One Harry Potter fan pointed out some solid reasoning for how this would have made sense within the story, explaining that it would portray him as “desperate and just barely clinging to life”.

Other commenters pointed out what likely was the ultimate factor that dictated the appearance of the Dark Lord, which is that the films were made for children to be able to watch also.

While Voldemort didn’t wind up sporting this look for the rest of the series, the character still managed to bring something uniquely unsettling to the big screen with his final look.

In hindsight, fans have found plenty of aspects of the series that could have been refined further as well as plot holes that weren’t addressed. You can relive this classic franchise as all Harry Potter films are available to stream now.