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‘Stranger Things’ star still hasn’t been converted into a DnD player

They managed to dodge the DnD itch for now.

stranger things
via Netflix

There was once an age where Dungeons & Dragons (DnD), the world’s premier pen and paper role-playing game, was something of a fringe activity. Fast-forward to the mid-2010s, though, and through a combined effort of acclaimed Netflix series Stranger Things and popular web series Critical Role, DnD has absolutely skyrocketed in popularity.

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And for a show that reignited the DnD craze in the hearts of the public, you’d think the show’s knock-on effects would cling to its cast members the most. After all, the gang has played promotional sessions of DnD more than once, and it’s hard to turn your back on it once you’ve given it a shot.

But one of the show’s breakout stars has admitted that DnD hasn’t quite grabbed him just yet, and seeing as this particular star plays the DnD-obsessed Eddie Munson on the show, this may come as a shock for many.

In an interview with ScreenRant, Joseph Quinn, who plays Eddie on the show, stated that while he himself doesn’t feel much of a draw towards the game, he has a great deal of respect for the game’s fanbase.

I did a very minimal amount of research to build up to doing it, but yeah, I can’t say that I’ve left this job with the obsession for Dungeons & Dragons, but I have the utmost respect for that community. We did this press Dungeons & Dragons game with Priah, Finn, Gaten and myself and it was so fun. I think you just need an amazing Dungeon Master, because there’s a performance to it and it was a great laugh. Maybe further down the road.

For a man who plays such an eccentric Dungeon Master on the show, we never would’ve guessed that Quinn isn’t the biggest fan of DnD, which we suppose is only a testament to his outstanding performance.

Stranger Things season four is currently available to stream on Netflix.