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‘Spider-Man’ fans wonder if it’s time for Peter to get a new love interest

After losing both MJ and Ned in 'No Way Home', what are Spidey's next moves? Should they involve a new leading lady?

Image via Marvel Studios

Spider-Man: No Way Home was one of Marvel’s biggest hits with the return of previous Spideys like Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire as well as some beloved villains from the franchise; Electro, Doc Oc and most memorably, the Green Goblin. What really shocked people though, was the ending of the film where Peter made the heroic choice to have everyone forget who he was. It was heartbreaking, but at the same time the payoff was well done and we felt the choice was justified.

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Since then, it’s been announced that Tom Holland’s Spider-Man will have another trilogy, however not much else has been released about it. He has a new suit and no one but himself to lean on, so where does that leave him? Some think it will lead him right to a new love interest. On Marvel Studios’ Subreddit page, a debate broke out on if Peter should have a new love interest and who it should be. Fingers were immediately pointed at Felicia Hardy, or more popularly known as Black Cat. Other fans wanted to see Gwen Stacey introduced into the MCU.

One user, @rdjokr1993, gave an excellent explanation on why it had to Black Cat over someone human like Gwen Stacey.

Not only this, but the Felicia Hardy/Black Cat character is basically completely unexplored territory in the Spider-Man movies. Sure, Felicia made a small appearance in Maguire’s Spider-Man trilogy, but we didn’t get to know her and there was no mention of Black Cat.

Other users were quick to agree with @rdjokr1993, like user @OLKv3 who said,

And they’re not wrong, with Peter no longer having ties to MJ, it’s the perfect time to bring in someone who meshes more with Spider-Man rather than Peter. Some even wanted a love triangle between Peter, MJ and Felicia, insinuating how good of a subplot it could be for the upcoming Sinister Six movie.

Most users on the subreddit agree that Hardy should be Peter’s new love interest and they definitely agree that he should have someone new. There were a few votes for Gwen Stacey, however, most were met with criticisms because we saw her story in Andrew Garfield’s, The Amazing Spider-Man and its sequel.

However, one user, @Haryzen_, made a good case for no new love interest, at least in the first movie of the new trilogy.

It would really prove just how much Peter sacrificed at the end of No Way Home, however it could also leave the movie feeling a little stale without Peter having anyone specific to protect.

There are multiple directions this new Spider-Man trilogy could go, but whatever route it decides to take, we’re all just excited to see Tom Holland back in the suit and back in action.