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Gina Carano attends premiere, discusses Disney exit, internet implodes

Just when you thought it was safe to go back online...

Gina Carano‘s first project since her acrimonious exit from The Mandalorian is gearing up to release, and as a revenge thriller produced and distributed by The Daily Wire, Terror on the Prairie is completely in keeping with her regularly controversial and always polarizing nature.

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Very few celebrities have generated as much fervent debate and heated discussion on the internet as the former Cara Dune, who was given her marching orders by Disney following a string of questionable social media posts that gave the top brass no other option than to show her the door.

Naturally, social media was instantly split into two distinct camps of Carano supporters and denigrators, something that obviously hasn’t changed after the former MMA fighter took to the red carpet at the Terror on the Prairie premiere, where she opened up on her Disney exit more than once. As you can see below, people had plenty of thoughts that they were willing to share.


The Mandalorian furor has died down somewhat, but only because Carano has taken a step back from the limelight, which is what tends to happen when the monolithic Star Wars machine continues to rumble on without a second thought. However, now that she’s engaging in a comeback of sorts, we should probably expect her to be making the headlines a lot more often.

Whether that’s for positive or negative reasons remains entirely up for debate, but one thing we can guarantee is that she’s going to stir up plenty of wildly differing opinions across the length and breadth of the online community, which admittedly isn’t anything new.