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For some reason, someone has made a cinematic opera inspired by the life of Rudy Giuliani

'Rudy! A Documusical' is bound to be a better piece of melodic art than Giuliani's appearance on 'The Masked Singer.'

Image via Fox/YouTube

At the request of absolutely no one, someone has made a movie musical in an operatic tradition about the life of controversial politician Rudy Giuliani.

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We wish we could tell you the title of the film was Four Seasons Total Landscaping: The Musical, or The Melting Sideburns: The Saga of the Worst Masked Singer on Earth — but no. The name of the film — being billed as part documentary and part musical — is actually Rudy! A Documusical, appropriately enough, according to Associated Press. The film is slated to premiere at the Tribeca Festival. According to the article,

“[Rudy! A Documusical], directed by Jed Rothstein, is in large part a sober, conventional analysis of the unlikely trajectory of Giuliani’s political life, from New York prosecutor, mayor and Sept. 11 hero to the pusher of bogus legal challenges to the 2020 election for then-President Donald Trump. But to fully convey the exaggerated highs and lows of Giuliani, Rothstein felt he needed a Greek chorus.”

As such, the film about a man once referred to as “America’s Mayor,” will interject an operatic infusion by inter-splicing musical performances throughout the film, alternating between that and more straightforward interviews from people like journalists, other politicians, and even a former New York City police commissioner.

Reportedly, Rothstein tried to convince Giuliani himself to be interviewed, but the politician declined. To be fair, the man has a lot on his plate at the moment, the article said, including recently having his law license suspended for not telling the truth about the election that took place for the U.S. Presidential race in 2020, and meeting with the House committee not long ago regarding the Jan. 6, 2021 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol for a congressional investigation that is ongoing.

To be honest, we’re halfway curious about how the film turns out, given its rather colorful subject matter. With musical instrumentalists and singers who hail from Broadway participating in the writing and the blocking of the melodic scenes from the movie, as was reported in the AP article, it’s bound to be a more entertaining roundup of music than the much fan-maligned appearance that Giuliani made on the Fox show, The Masked Singer, which We Got This Covered reported on back in April.