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MCU fans argue over who or what is the franchise’s most powerful entity

Could it be Thanos, Dormammu or someone else entirely?

Image via Marvel Studios

Recently, we’ve been exposed to the full force of the Scarlet Witch in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Before that, Thanos wiped out half the population in Avengers: Infinity War. Years before, Thor’s adoptive brother Loki invaded Manhattan with his Chitauri army.

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Throughout the years, the MCU has boasted countless overpowered beings; Hela, the Goddess of Death; Ego, the living Planet and Dormammu, Ruler of the Dark Dimension, to name a few. Among those otherworldly entities, only one can be named “the most powerful of all” and Marvel fans have got to thinking about who—or what—that could possibly be.

Already, the responses have come flying in. The Marvel fans have spoken, and while some answers are logical and thought-provoking, others are less serious and more humorous. For example, one comment suggest that Stan Lee—who tragically passed away in November 2018—is the most powerful being in the entire Marvel franchise. To some degree, he absolutely is. Stan Lee is the overseer of all operations, and the mastermind behind the MCU as we know it.

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Other users have weighed in on the debate with more sincere answers, treating the discussion as no laughing matter. As they always do, Marvel fans take these debates very seriously. Honestly, Marvel has become a way of life, not just a cinematic franchise. As previously mentioned, Dormammu is an inter-dimensional entity who rules the Dark Dimension and seeks to conquer every planet. He wields apocalyptic-level powers that are rivaled only by the time-altering abilities of the Eye of Agamotto. If it weren’t for that, he would have invaded Earth without issue.

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It seems to be that The Living Tribunal is the common denominator among the Marvel fanbase; many fans are naming it as the all-mighty being that transcends all other competitors. A vastly powerful cosmic entity and the representative of the One Above All (Supreme Ruler of the Multiverse, who has also been named as the all-powerful one), it has the highest level of authority in the Multiverse beneath its superior. He is considered to be an omnipotent entity, however, The Living Tribunal has not yet appeared in the MCU so as far as this discussion goes, it is automatically disqualified. Still, there’s nothing wrong with an honorable mention.

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The One Above All and The Living Tribunal are undoubtedly the most powerful cosmic entities, both of which are bound to appear in the MCU eventually, but perhaps not for quite some time. At the moment, it appears that Dormammu is crowned the most powerful being to have physically featured in the MCU to date.

Arguably, Thanos is included in the rankings, but how formidable is the Mad Titan without the Infinity Stones that grant him unthinkable strength and abilities? Obviously, there can’t be a clear victor as of yet, but once the Multiverse expands further, we can revisit this debate at a later time and settle it once and for all. For now, Dormammu sits in first place.