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John Cena praises Ryan Reynolds after ‘Peacemaker’ easter egg

John Cena penned a sweet tweet to Ryan Reynolds after noticing a bottle of Aviation Gin (Reynold's alcohol) in a Peacemaker shot.

Image via HBO Max/Marvel Studios

The HBO Max DC series, Peacemaker, is drawing in fans and making a name for itself in pop culture’s heroic and villainous realms. John Cena plays Peacemaker/Christopher Smith, a man who is willing to risk it all in the name of peace and pacifism — even using brute strength and weaponry to make it happen. Yes, killing in the name of peace sounds oxymoronic, but it makes sense to Peacemaker.

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The series has been a hit with viewers, and one of them is Ryan Reynolds. Reynolds praised Peacemaker and John Cena for precise product placement in a recent episode. In a screenshot, Reynolds noted that the crew placed a bottle of his Gin in a shot with Peacemaker himself. James Gunn responded to the Tweet and said after checking with props; he confirmed the bottle was Reynolds’ Aviation Gin. Cena weighed in on Reynold’s tweet filled with adoration with a sweet reply of his own.

Calling Reynolds “a fellow cosplayer with an eye for peace and a pallet for spirit,” the tweet is the perfect response to someone as witty as Reynolds.After this, we’re going to be (not so) patiently waiting for the two to sit down in their hero garb with a glass of Aviation Gin very soon. We can dream, right?