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Warren Spector “Desperately” Wants To Port Epic Mickey To PS3 And 360

In a GDC interview with Game Informer earlier this month, prior to the Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two announcement last week, Warren Spector revealed that he is interested in porting the original Epic Mickey to the Xbox 360 and PS3, but would not comment on if Disney has any plans to do so

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In a GDC interview with Game Informer earlier this month, prior to the Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two announcement last week, Warren Spector revealed that he is interested in porting the original Epic Mickey to the Xbox 360 and PS3, but would not comment on if Disney has any plans to do so.

“I will tell you I desperately want to do it [port Epic Mickey to the PS3 and Xbox 360], and other than that I have no comment at this time. I just think it would be cool for people to see where the story started, so we’ll see… We sold many millions of copies of [Epic Mickey] on just the Wii, and being on the Wii was great. It was a perfect way to reintroduce Mickey as a hero in video games,”

With the successful trend of porting last generation titles into HD over the last few years I would bet that it’s not a matter of “if” Disney will bring the original Epic Mickey to HD systems, but more a question of “when” it will show up on the PS3 and Xbox 360. The answer is probably soon than you might think.

GamesRadar recently revealed that the Wii version of Epic Mickey 2 is the lead development platform and that the PS3/Xbox 360 versions will be HD ports of that build. Given that detail it would be reasonable to speculate that Blitz Games (the developer handling the HD ports) might have cut their teeth on the Epic Mickey IP by porting over the original Wii game first.

My guess? We will see Epic Mickey released as at least a digital download prior to Epic Mickey 2’s launch. At least, that is what I would push for if I was calling the marketing shots at Disney Interactive.

Let us know in the comments down below if you think Disney will bring Epic Mickey to the PS3/Xbox 360, and if that would be something you would be interested in buying.

Source: Game Informer