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Joel Kinnaman Offered Robocop

Joel Kinnaman is slowly climbing up the Hollywood ladder of fame. The relatively unknown actor who got his big break in AMC's The Killing has been popping up everywhere lately. Today though, he's been offered his biggest role yet. Deadline is reporting that Kinnaman has been offered the lead role in MGM's upcoming Robocop reboot.

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Joel Kinnaman is slowly climbing up the Hollywood ladder of fame. The relatively unknown actor who got his big break in AMC’s The Killing has been popping up everywhere lately. Today though, he’s been offered his biggest role yet. Deadline is reporting that Kinnaman has been offered the lead role in MGM’s upcoming Robocop reboot.

If he accepts, he’s going to have some HUGE shoes to fill. The original Robocop is considered an absolute classic by a lot of people and it turned its star Peter Weller into somewhat of an icon.

Though Kinnaman has done some respectable work, is he the right guy for the role? Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed him in The Killing and he was probably the best part about The Darkest Hour but can he pull off a role as iconic as Robocop?

Let us in the comments below what you think.