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Rockstar Hard At Work On GTA V, But Not Ready To Say Much More

During a recent Asked and Answered session, Rockstar answered a few questions about Grand Theft Auto V and told fans that they’re “very hard at work on the game and excited as well to show and tell you more.” There hasn’t been any hint as to when we can expect GTAV, only the vague “sometime between now and 2014.”

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During a recent Asked and Answered session, Rockstar answered a few questions about Grand Theft Auto V and told fans that they’re “very hard at work on the game and excited as well to show and tell you more.” There hasn’t been any hint as to when we can expect GTA V, only the vague “sometime between now and 2014.”

However, the company has informed investors that it expects the financial year of 2013 to be one if it’s best ever. Seems as good a time as any to release “the largest and most ambitious open world game we’ve ever created.”

What do you think? Excited for GTA V or are you over the series?