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Robert Pattinson Replaces Colin Farrell In David Cronenberg’s Cosmopolis

Today it was announced that Robert Pattinson, yes R.Pattz of Twilight fame, has replaced Mr. Colin Farrell in David Cronenberg's upcoming film, Cosmopolis. Based on Don DeLillo‘s book of the same name, the film also stars Marion Cotillard and Paul Giamatti. Apparently the reasons for Farrell bailing have to do with scheduling issues with his next film, the Total Recall remake. Pattinson, who is busy at work on Twilight: Breaking Dawn will move on over to Cosmopolis once shooting wraps on Twilight. According to The Playlist, the film follows "24 hours in the life of a newly married billionaire Eric Packer (Pattinson) as he cheats on his wife (Marion Cotillard), is pursued by a stalker, gets attacked by a protester and gradually loses his entire fortune over the course of a single day"

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Today it was announced that Robert Pattinson, yes R.Pattz of Twilight fame, has replaced Mr. Colin Farrell in David Cronenberg’s upcoming film, Cosmopolis. Based on Don DeLillo‘s book of the same name, the film also stars Marion Cotillard and Paul Giamatti. Apparently the reasons for Farrell bailing have to do with scheduling issues with his next film, the Total Recall remake. Pattinson, who is busy at work on Twilight: Breaking Dawn will move on over to Cosmopolis once shooting wraps on Twilight.

According to The Playlist, the film follows “24 hours in the life of a newly married billionaire Eric Packer (Pattinson) as he cheats on his wife (Marion Cotillard), is pursued by a stalker, gets attacked by a protester and gradually loses his entire fortune over the course of a single day”

Sure, maybe Farrell and Cotillard would make a more believable couple but I’m not too upset with this casting choice. Pattinson has shown us with Remember Me and the upcoming Water For Elephants that he can actually act and this role will only reenforce the fact. I know he gets ripped on for the Twilight films but I don’t think he’s that bad of an actor and although Farrell would have been great in the role, I think Pattinson will do a fine job.