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Call Of Duty Black Ops: Hidden Briefing Code Cracked

We use the word ‘cracked’ very loosely. What happened was that this, a Black Ops player uncovered a message hidden in the story modes mission briefings. I’ll spare you the painful and admittedly amusing details...mainly because the guy who found them won’t. He claims to be the first one to have found the hidden message (contains spoiler so beware), and while we can’t confirm this bold and attention seeking statement, we haven’t heard of this until now. So flip on your conspiracy sun hat, go hide in the shed, and mull it over.

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We use the word ‘cracked’ very loosely. What happened was that this, a Black Ops player uncovered a message hidden in the story modes mission briefings. I’ll spare you the painful and admittedly amusing details…mainly because the guy who found them won’t. He claims to be the first one to have found the hidden message (contains spoiler so beware), and while we can’t confirm this bold and attention seeking statement, we haven’t heard of this until now. So flip on your conspiracy sun hat, go hide in the shed, and mull it over.

We think it’s pretty cool that Treyarch put stuff like this into the game fabric but then again it was probably a planned little gossip bomb they would ‘anonymously-accidentally’ leak, if no one else found it.

If you think you’ll be able to resist the urge to slap him, then check out his link below.

‘Too much spare time’ comes to mind.